Vorselen, D.*, Kamber, R.A.*, Labitigan, R.L.D., van Loon, A.P., Peterman, E., Delgado, M.K., Lin, S., Rasmussen, J.P., Bassik, M.C.#, Theriot, J.A#. Cell surface receptors TREM2, CD14 and integrin αMβ2 drive sinking engulfment in phosphatidylserine-mediated phagocytosis. bioRxiv.
Liu, S. J., Zou, C., Pak, J., Morse, A., Pang, D., Casey-Clyde, T., Borah, A.A, Wu, D., Seo, K., O’Loughlin, T., Lim, D.A., Ozawa, T., Berger, M., Kamber, R.A., Weiss, W.A., Raleigh, D.R.#, Gilbert, L. A.# (2024). In vivo perturb-seq of cancer and microenvironment cells dissects oncologic drivers and radiotherapy responses in glioblastoma. Genome Biology, 25(1), 256.
Tycko, J., Van, M., Aradhana, DelRosso, N., Yao, D., Xu, X., Ludwig, C., Spees, K., Liu, K., Hess, G.T., Gu, M., Mukund, A.X., Suzuki, P.H., Kamber, R.A., Qi, L.S., Bintu, L.#, Bassik, M.C.#, 2024. Development of compact transcriptional effectors using high-throughput measurements in diverse contexts. Nature Biotechnology, pp.1-14.
Amaya, L., Abe, B., Liu, J., Zhao, F., Zhang, W.L., Chen, R., Li, R., Wang, S., Kamber, R.A., Tsai, M.C., Bassik, M.C., Majeti, R., Chang, H. 2024. Pathways for macrophage uptake of cell-free circular RNAs. Molecular Cell, 84(11).
Ahn, G., Riley, N., Kamber, R.A., Wisnovsky, S., Moncayo von Hase, S., Bassik, M.C., Banik, S.M. and Bertozzi, C.R., 2023. Elucidating the cellular determinants of targeted membrane protein degradation by lysosome-targeting chimeras. Science, 382(6668).
Chen, Y., Craven, G.B., Kamber, R.A., Cuesta, A., Zhersh, S., Moroz, Y.S., Bassik, M.C. and Taunton, J., 2023. Direct mapping of ligandable tyrosines and lysines in cells with chiral sulfonyl fluoride probes. Nature Chemistry, pp.1-10.
Yu, H.*, Kamber, R.A.*, Denic, V, 2022. The peroxisomal exportomer directly inhibits phosphoactivation of the pexophagy receptor to suppress pexophagy in yeast. eLife, 11, e74531.
Kamber, R.A., Nishiga, Y., Morton, B., Banuelos, A.M., Barkal, A.M., Vences-Catalan, F., Gu, M., Fernandez, D, Seoane, J.A., Yao, D., Liu, K., Lin, S., Spees, K, Curtis, C., Jerby-Arnon, L., Weissman, I.L., Sage, J., Bassik, M.C., 2021. Inter-cellular CRISPR screens reveal regulators of cancer cell phagocytosis. Nature, 597(7877), pp.549-554.
Wainberg, M.*, Kamber, R.A.*, Balsubramani, A.*, Meyers, R.M., Sinnott-Armstrong, N., Hornburg, D., Jiang, L., Chan, J., Jian, R., Gu, M., Shcherbina, A., Dubreuil, M.M., Meuleman, W., Spees, K., Snyder, M.P., Bassik, M.C.#, Kundaje, A.#, 2021. A genome-wide atlas of co-essential modules assigns function to uncharacterized genes. Nature Genetics, 53(5), pp.638-649.
Han, K., Pierce, S.E., Li, A., Spees, K., Anderson, G.R., Seoane, J.A., Lo, Y.H., Dubreuil, M., Olivas, M., Kamber, R.A., Wainberg, M., Kostyrko, K., Kelly, M.R., Yousefi, M., Simpkins, S.W., Yao, D., Lee, K., Kuo, C.J., Jackson, P.K., Sweet-Cordero, A., Kundaje, A., Gentles, A.J., Curtis, C., Winslow, M.M., Bassik, M.C., 2020. CRISPR screens in cancer spheroids identify 3D growth-specific vulnerabilities. Nature, 580(7801), pp.136-141.
Haney, M.*, Bohlen, C.*#, Morgens, D., Ousey, J., Barkal, A., Tsui, K., Ego, B., Levin, R., Kamber, R.A., Collins, H., Tucker, A., Li, A., Vorselen, D., Labitagan, L., Crane, E., Boyle, E., Jiang, L., Chan, J., Rincon, E., Greenleaf, W., Li, B., Snyder, M., Weissman, I., Theriot, J., Collins, S., Barres, B., Bassik, M.#. 2018. Identification of phagocytosis regulators using magnetic genome-wide CRISPR screens. Nature Genetics, 50(12), pp.1716-1729.
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Eapen, V.V, Waterman, D.P., Bernard, A, Schiffman, N., Sayas, E., Kamber, R.A., Lemos, B., Memisoglu, G., Ang, J., Mazella, A., Chuartzman, S.G., Loewith, R., Schuldiner, M., Denic, V., Klionsky, D.J., Haber, J., 2017. A novel pathway of targeted autophagy is induced by DNA damage in budding yeast. PNAS, 114(7), pp.E1158-E1167.
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Valenzano, D.R., Kirschner, J., Kamber, R.A., Zhang, E., Weber, D., Cellerino, A., Englert, C., Platzer, M., Reichwald, K. and Brunet, A., 2009. Mapping loci associated with tail color and sex determination in the short-lived fish Nothobranchius furzeri. Genetics, 183(4), pp.1385-1395.
*Equal contribution
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Kamber Lab authors in bold